Helping Professionals

Saving the World

You were born to be a helper! You’ve always enjoyed caring for others and take great pride in being in the Helping Profession.

Teachers nurture our children. Nurses save lives. Therapists heal souls. Social workers take care of our communities. Police officers protect us.

You dedicate all your energy to your work, saving one person at a time!

It’s not “work” when it’s your passion, right?

Giving of yourself, day in/day out, you’re in your element. Helping and caring for others is a tremendously rewarding feeling.

But there’s a fine line between passion – and obsession. You love what you do, but you’re so intertwined in your work that you often forget to take breaks, eat, and sometimes, even sleep.

You’ve stopped spending time with family and friends because, when you’re off, all you want to do is collapse – seeking genuine but elusive rest and relief.

And though it’s your passion, a little recognition from your supervisor would be nice, every so often.

Monday, Monday – so good to me?

It’s Sunday night – dread and anxiety are setting in. You toss and turn throughout the night.

When Monday morning’s alarm sounds, instead of bounding out of bed and attacking the day, as you once did, you keep slapping the snooze button – One. More. Time. Vainly attempting to delay the inevitable – the start of a new workweek.

Your passion has now faded so much that merely thinking about work sets you on edge. Frustrated and grumpy, instead of helping others, you’re lashing out. But on you go – on you must – you’ve depleted your sick leave.

Passion has descended into obsession. Drained and unproductive, stress and anxiety now pervade every moment of your waking life – and your sleep, as well. The boundary between work and life hasn’t blurred; it’s vanished entirely.

Off-kilter, you struggle desperately to regain your balance, your resilience, your effervescence. Somehow, you know you have to find a way to rise to the surface.

It’s ok not to be ok.

I can help. I’ll create a space in which you can shed your professional cloak and simply be you – without fear or judgment.

Together, we’ll positively re-align your work and personal life. Starting from the very beginning, we’ll dig deep into your emotions, exploring your passion from every aspect of your life.

Together, we’ll tear down the walls and allow vulnerability. We’ll set aside room – and permit you – to care for yourself wholeheartedly.

We’ll explore what truly makes you happy and create a new healthy mindset. Then, together, we’ll rewrite your narrative and rediscover the passion that once refreshed and energized you.

You’ll leave feeling both firmly grounded and nimbly buoyant, invigorated, ebullient – stronger than ever before.

“It’s okay to show your vulnerability. There’s power in that.”
~Raquel Garcia

Experience Your Self Differently

It’s not only ok – it’s essential – to nurture yourself – so you, in turn, can do the same for others.

Allow us to create a rejuvenating, restorative experience specifically for you! We’ll spend 50 minutes together in each session, and all you need to bring is yourself.

Your self-care and fulfillment are paramount; what’s more, you deserve to give yourself the best to be your best.

Together, let’s begin the transformation into your more robust, blissful self – so you can view yourself in a new, loving, contented light! Reach out today. (615) 543-6589