Couples Therapy

It’s love at first sight.

You’ve found your forever soulmate. Your other half. Your friend and lover.

The love of your life completes your sentences – makes you feel wanted and needed. You know how to make each other happy.

You’ve built a steady life together. Your toothbrush goes on the right, and theirs goes on the left. You laugh at the same silly jokes.

The honeymoon – inevitably – ends.

You’re both still in love, but you struggle to reach that fiery passion you once knew. Your deep, soulful conversations have risen to surface level now – work and the weather.

And the jokes? Not so funny anymore.

You’re talking, but you don’t feel like they’re listening. Likewise, you tune them out when your favorite show is on tv. You go out to dinner – but sit in silence.

You both know exactly which buttons to push and not to push. Once upon a time, you couldn’t get enough of each other; now, you need time away with your friends to chill.

Your Not So Happily Ever After…

With each passing day, you enjoy each other’s company less and less. Pointing fingers, making accusations – no understanding – no empathy. What happened to your partner? Your fiercest ally?

Conversations give way to argument after argument. You resort to silence – they retreat – neither willing to compromise.

At the ends of your ropes, exhausted by the struggle, you don’t feel appreciated; they don’t feel needed. Neither of you is happy.

You still care about each other, but the spark is… gone.

True love conquers all.

Let’s reignite that spark!

We’ll start from the beginning – digging deep into each of your emotions, exploring every aspect of your relationship – from both perspectives.

We’ll tear down the walls and be vulnerable.

And we’ll recreate your love story and rediscover your passion for each other.

You’ll leave feeling valued, reveling in a deeper connection, and ready to enjoy each other to the fullest!

“Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken.
Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.”

Experience each other differently.

We’ll spend 50 minutes together each session – you need only bring yourselves.

Together, expanding your connection and happiness will be our utmost priority.

Savor your relationship in a singular, more passionate light!

Call me at (615) 543-6589 for an encounter created specifically for you two!