
You’ve been running on empty for too long.

You’ve always had it all together – or at least somewhat together. Now, you’re scattered, plagued by constant feelings of defeat.

Giving your all to everything and everybody – but yourself – you can’t keep this up forever.

You can’t find your happy place.

You don’t have time for one more thing.

You barely sleep as it is, so when will you find time to see a therapist? Just the thought of traffic, commute time, trying to get childcare sets your teeth on edge.

Not to mention how much you have to do at work – and no time off even if you did manage to get ahead.

Yet, despite all these stressors, you know you have to do something – sometimes, you feel as if you make one wrong move, your whole life will fall apart.

Makeovers are uncomfortable.

But you feel different today. You’ve now admitted to yourself that you need a total makeover – a second chance to get it right.

If only you could get just a little relief. You’ve heard about it here and there – but could it work?

You are totally apprehensive about this idea, and your anxiety is setting in. Your hands are sweating, and your mouth is dry, but you know you have to do something.

So you sit down, pull up the screen, and click “Join this Meeting.”

What is teletherapy?

Teletherapy is therapy (aka counseling) held over a video conferencing platform. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ll conduct all our therapy sessions using a virtual platform.

It’s simple – even if you don’t “do” technology.

All you will need to participate in is access to a cellphone, tablet, or computer with a camera and audio. Just find a private location – your favorite chair at home, your office at lunch, a secluded spot in the park, even your car – and pull up your email.

Before your session, I’ll send you a secure link to join. All you have to do is click the button, and we’re ready to go.

Can you hear me now?

Remember the Verizon Wireless ads, “Can you hear me now?”

Because we are using a virtual platform, there may be a slight delay in our responses or one of our screens may freeze for a second or two, depending on the strength of our internet connections.

Ensuring that you have a good WiFi connection and patience are key. It’s also helpful to find a spot that’s quiet, comfortable, and well-lit.

To Cry, or Not to Cry

I welcome you to feel and show whatever emotions come up during our sessions. It’s very normal to cry during therapy because we’ll be exploring a variety of emotions.

So cry, scream (as long as you aren’t at work), laugh, dance, take deep breaths – whatever makes you feel comfortable.

We’re ALL human. The only thing that I ask of you is that you be open to and responsible for the energy that you bring.

Don’t let anything keep you from getting back to your happy place.

You really can make time to care for yourself.

No more worrying about lost time getting to and from an office visit. You can take us with you wherever you go.

No more fear of being late or even missing your appointment because the babysitter didn’t show, or the weather turned, or you couldn’t get away from work.

With teletherapy, you can discover how to get it all back together and start really enjoying your life again – and you can do it with comfort, convenience, and safety.

Contact us now at (615) 543-6589 to get started on bringing your smile back again!